Start using product-level carbon accounting and product carbon footprint data today.

ZeroTwentyFifty is a Commercial Open Source Software (COSS) company building solutions for the creation and exchange of product-level carbon accounting data.

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Experts in Product Carbon Footprint Technologies

ZeroTwentyFity is a ClimateTech software consultancy specialising in Carbon Accounting and Product Carbon Footprinting.

We are experienced software engineers that also come prepared with subject matter expertise of Carbon Accounting and Product Carbon Footprinting. When you engage us, we are able to rapidly deploy resources that understand the domain and focus on your problems, not upskilling and learning your language. Our open source solutions are best in class and allow you to expand your software without needing to implement the solution yourself, we are plug and play.

We offer bespoke software development services to organisations looking to further develop their use of carbon accounting practices with technology, integration of our open source software into your own technology environments and drop in resources for your software development teams working on climate change solutions.

Our solutions speak for themselves

PACT Methodology

Start interacting with PACT Methodology formatted PCF data in your software.

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Exchange PACT conformant Product Carbon Footprints out of the box.

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It's Black and White.

The science is clear. In fact, we'd say that it's actually black and white, and without action now we risk it all. We chose this colour scheme for our website to communicate our belief in the irrefutable science around anthropogenic climate change.

The benefits of adopting a Carbon Transparent approach to business operations are multiple, from being a responsible corporate citizen, to ensuring that the planet can sustain life, whilst also presenting unique business opportunities for those who take on board the call. Decarbonising your supply chain and understanding the life cycle of your company, supply chain and products provide a level of data and understanding that has been lacking entirely from a companies data lifecycle, presenting opportunities in the future that will make developments like the internet and mass transportation look insignificant.

And whilst this might sound like an over exaggeration, merely used as a marketing point to suit our own needs, we would like to share this snippet of an article by Vaclav Smil:

By the time the Manhattan Project ended in 1946, it had cost the country nearly US $2 billion, about $33 billion in today’s money, the total equal to only about 0.3 percent of the 1943–45 gross domestic product. When Project Apollo ended in 1972, it had cost about $26 billion, or $207 billion in today’s money; over 12 years it worked out annually to about 0.2 percent of the country’s 1961–72 GDP.

Of course, nobody can provide a reliable account of the eventual cost of global energy transition because we do not know the ultimate composition of the new primary energy supply. Nor do we know what shares will come from converting natural renewable flows, whether we will use them to produce hydrogen or synthetic fuels, and the extent to which we will rely on nuclear fission (and, as some hope, on fusion) or on other, still unknown options.

But a recent attempt to estimate such costs confirms the magnitude of the category mistake. The McKinsey Global Institute, in a highly conservative estimate, puts the cost at
$275 trillion between 2021 and 2050.

That is roughly
$9.2 trillion a year, compared with the 2021 global economic product of $94 trillion. Such numbers imply an annual expenditure of about 10 percent of today’s world economic product.

This comparison highlights two primary things, one, the scope of the problem, and two, the opportunity it provides to savvy organisations willing to commit to becoming the change required.

ZeroTwentyFifty exists to help such organisations.

Commit to Transparency

We build solutions, we are engineers. We help organisations gain clarity, gain understanding, but mainly, we help organisations gain transparency. Let's build the future together.

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